Water of Life

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Amos 2 CG Trailer

This is something I did for the CG Sunday... If you have problem viewing it here just click on the link below...

Click Here If You Can't View It

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Do it like the Psalmist Do

Last Friday we had our CG meeting,
We had singing, games, God's Word and praying,
Another life that has been activated,
It's none other than Ru who's now games coordinator.

On Sunday we had to set up a stall,
To invite others to come join us all,
We showed pictures and videos to attract young and old,
None sign up but they enjoyed the show.

I'm now currently running out of inspiration,
Maybe I'll continue tomorrow out of desparation,
It's been fun to try something new,
Wonder how Prismfire does guess no one knew.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Matrix Ping Pong

This is so cool..

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Mission Fail to move to yahoo

Yeap.. Unfortunately mission failed to move to yahoo.. 1 was because you're only able to post 1 pic at a time.. I guess that's pretty much about it.. Though it has interesting features, but i guess I'll stick to here for now :P Hahaha.. OKay. Was suppose to update in yahoo yesterday.. Anyway.. Latest update I"ve won coffee in the Ebay Malaysia Forum where I posted the #999 & #1000 post.. Hehehe.. Anyway.. Here it is...

Hahaha.. Haven't tried it yet though.. Thinking of finishing the other one so would prolly keep this one as stock first :P

From Left to Right. The new cabinet of Amos 2 CG.
Sim Chee Kiang (Finance Minister), Kev Lau (PR Minister), PW (Vice President), Ketam (President), Sarah (Bible Study Teacher), Hui Lih (Senior Advisor), Angela (Bible Study Teacher).

Yeap. that's pretty much about the new cabinet of CG.. Hahaha, poor Selamat.. HOpefully he wouldn't find this page.. If not it'll bring relief to him. Hehehe... Gtg. Have a nice day!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I'll be switching Site again

Hahaha.. Yeap as shown in the topic will be moving to a diff site.. Trying yahoo 360.. Will updated once I've set up everything..Have a nice day.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Another hot day

I'm getting old.. or either that.. It's extremly hot in Kuching.. Ok.. Latest thing that happened, was that we have a newly appointed CG leader.. Congratulations to Mr. Tay Chung Ang.. Hehehe.. Dun worry.. We know we're in good hands.. Hehehe. :P Been pretty busy with lots of things.. Started to continue me studies as well developing a website at the moment.. Have not been taking lots of pictures.. Will update more as nothing interesting happening lately :P Have a nice day!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Latest Update

First of all would like to convey my deepest sympathy to Angela, Lin & Family on the passing of their grandma.. Pray that all will be well with all of you.. And also I received news from my sister that my cat has died due to unknown reason. Yeap, this is the same cat that wake me up in the morning n kick me out of bed.. Poor thing, now I guess there's no more cats in the house that would chase away the dogs if they come in.. -_-" Oh well.. Life goes on..

Latest update is that, had a visit from grandaunt all the way from china. It was pretty much a long story on how she was able to locate all of us.. She was given away at a very young age.. How is she related to us is that, if I'm not mistaken it's my grandpa's sister. It was good to be able to catch up with a relative you never know.. And also we had a gathering on Sunday as well as Monday nite. Unfortunately no photos of them.. My bad.. :P

Last sunday nite also we celebrated chief's birthday along with her brother.. We had a big feast after that watch the movie Rat Race.. Though it's an old movie, it still as funny as every.. BWhahaha... Ok.. Not sure what to write up again.. The time now is 3:53am.. Yes.. I can't sleep, dunno why.. Mebbe it's because i got up in the middle of the nite and now i can't go back to zzz.. Oh well... Will try to get some shut eyes.. Currently working on a website at a moment.. so won't really be updating here as well.. But will try :P ANyway.. Hv a nice day