Water of Life

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A prayer answered!

Been hot for the past few days, and only a bit of showers lately in the town of kuching.. What's up recently? Well.. Apart from the election which I don't think i'll talk much about it.. Not really into politics :P And apparently I was too late to register though, I would love to have the experience to vote.. ^_^
Anyway, last nite went out with Apriyanti along with her mom and Deluxe. Apriyanti indeed is a living testimony of God's healing power that stills happen today. Indeed it was a miracle. Whereby last year when we first heard the news of her having leukemia. Deluxe & I went over to Normah to see her condition and get to know her first. She's about 8 years old, and came from a less fortunate family. Throughout this whole time of treament, God indeed had opened up ways for her to be healed. Though she went through a lot of chemotherapy, and the doctor said that she might need a bone marrow transfer if the chemo doesn't work. So a few of us gathered to pray for her so that her body system would react properly to the chemo. One day, there was a healing rally back in Pontianak, Indonesia. Her mother brought her there, and the Evangelist that was preaching told the congregation that. "If your body feels hot as if it's burning. Please stand up because God wants to heal you". One by one the Evangelist named the sickness, and when he mentioned leukemia. Her body began to feel very warm, and told her mom that her body is very hot. So her mom quickly asked her to stand up and the pastor prayed over her.
Yesterday we paid her a visit in the resting house (because she always travel to and fro Kuching for check up), she looked very well and she doesn't look that sick anymore. And her mom went and told us the results of her daughter's blood test stating that, all her blood test was good and was normal. Indeed it is a joyful news to all of us that prayed for her. And it still proves that God is real and He still cares for His people. And though during a time such as now with a lot of bad things happening, but God still shows hope to His loves one. Here's a passage taken from Hebrew 13:5-6 will never fail you. I will never forsake you."[b] 6That is why we can say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper, so I will not be afraid.
God Bless


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