Water of Life

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Pre Mooncake festival @ Carpenter Street

Deluxe and I went adventure into the wilderness of Carpenter street just now. Just to witness the "Lau Jiet" of the place. What we managed to see was a number of things.. We sort of went from Carpenter street to all the way to India street as well. But when we arrived at India street the cooking competition was over.. Oh well.. We sort of like jalan-jalan around that area looking for some food.. So what happened next was that, we went and witness dragon dance, lion dance, & drum presentation. And of course there was definately a lot of people. Will post the pictures up later :P After the show we went through carpenter street again to look for dinner.. Yeap. Lots of food there, more less like Kuchign fest. I think I'll post up pictures will tell more stories.. Hahahaha.. But anyway, what we had was 1 Kueh Tiaw, 1 Bee Hoon, 2 Hot Dog Cheese, 2 Cans of Cola, 1 Packet Ice Kacang & 5 dragon balls I think that's what you call them. Oh doesn't matter. :P Anyway, it was really pack and hard to move. Eventually took us about a whole hour from one side of the street to the other.. :P ANyway.. Here are the pictures from Reggata... Will sign in again.. when I have the time :P

Boat Race. Go go go!

Drink Stall - Most of them sell the same stuff. Air Bandung, Milo Ais & some more couldn't know what is it.

Kacang Stall. You see a lot of this as well.

This one also quite a number of them as well.

Nice golden pisang goreng. Bwhahaha.

This guy was sporting enough to pose in front of the camera :P Hahaha..

You can hear the plate sizzling.

With the bun

Almost ready to go just left the cheese :D


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