Holidays are over....
Ok.. Holidays over, and what did I do so far? Well.. I managed to complete King Quest 1 to 6, Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, Mixed up mothergoose, Space Quest 1 & Prince of persia 1.. Bwhahaha.. Yeap all of these games are old ones, and fortunately for me. I was able to backup all these games before the floppy disk gotten faulty and grew fungus on em.. Anyway, apart from that.. I managed to venture in into more of video editting. Got another few more software to play with. So all is good.. Apart from that, I also learn that investing is more less like gambling. Bwhahahaha.. Not all things are that good, make sure you check the market out before going into the product. Oh well. Guess it's all good anyway. Anyway, will hit the books again. So for the video thingy will be put on hold. Sorry guys.. Will do it when I finished up my first 2 assignemnts.. have a nice day!
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