Water of Life

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Spring cleaning ?!

Ok.. Managed to clean up my room. This time took about 3 days to do it.. Bwhahaha.. First day shift the computer table to a different position.. After that rearranged my whole cupboard and shelf.. Got about 2 boxes of unsused stuff already.. And the thing still look so many. ~_~ Oh well. .ALl is good.. Apart from that, think will continue to my assignment again.. Adei havin problem with java.. Anyone out there pro in java can help me ?? Thanks in advance.. Apart from that, think all is good. Been to kuching festival already. Seems very interesting with the variation of food around :P But al is good.. Anyway, going to hit the bunk now. Pretty tired already.. See ya all.. Till then.. Have a nice day!


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