Water of Life

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Here we go again.

Will be posting real updates soon.. But yesterday, Granny went into the hospital again. Was saying that she had difficulty in breathing... -_-" Here heart was pumping irregularly (try saying 5 times fast :P) so that wasn't too good. But her condition now is stable through the oxygen tube that was going into her right now. Oh well.. Came upon this in someone else's blog.. Check this out..

Your Birthdate: June 20

You are a virtual roller coaster of emotions, and most people enjoy the ride.
Your mood tends to set the tone of the room, and when you're happy, this is a good thing.
When you get in a dark mood, watch out - it's very hard to get you out of it.
It's sometimes hard for you to cheer up, and your gloom can be contagious.

Your strength: Your warm heart

Your weakness: Trouble controlling your emotions

Your power color: Black

Your power symbol: Musical note

Your power month: February

Power color ??? I was rather thinking of favourite color... And power month? Hahaha. Nothing so powerful this month apart for a lot of stuff not going so well... Anyway.. Will update soon.. Have lots to do... See ya.


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